Psalms 55:22 : “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”

Observation: David wrote this beautiful psalm/verse while he himself was going through “it” while being chased by his enemies.

It is really a confirmation to himself, an exhortation to his own soul to surrender all his cares and worries upon the Lord and to be calm for the Lord got it. This is so beautifully written, that it’s applicable to us all no matter what our circumstances are.

Application: This world that we live in is full of worries, situations and circumstances that are too numerous for us to withstand alone. We must therefore put our trust in the Lord by casting all in prayer daily for there is nothing too much or too hard for God to handle.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I cast all my cares and worries upon You. Be with all my family, all my friends and all of those who are in need of prayer. Help us all to humbly come to you as your children, For as our Father You have our best interest at hand. Thank you for reminding us that we will never be shaken or forsaken as long as we put our trust in You. Instill your peaceful assurance upon our soul in Jesus name I pray. Amen.