Text: Genesis 19:16 & 26 16. When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them. 26. But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. 

Observation: As a child, the story of Lot’s wife’s demised was one that my parents read to me numerous times. Now as an adult Lot’s story has become so relatable and clearer to me…God in all His mercy, sent His angels which forcibly rescued and pried Lot and his family from the city. The sad part about that story is, Lot’s wife disobeying the angels instructions by looking back after they were clearly saved and out of the destructions reach, which was a clear indication of her expressing her continued affection for the sinful lifestyle and culture of Sodom. 

Application: As I continue my journey of being delivered from the Sodom of my personal life, I must guard my hearts posture by not looking back and reminiscing with fondness on my past lifestyle and culture where I thought, I was living my so-called best life according to the world’s standards. 

Prayer: Lord God thank you for all the mercy and goodness that You have shown to me, as undeserving as I am, You have pried me from the devils grip, out of the world when I was oblivious and had fallen too deep to get myself out on my own accord. Help me to continue to develop the appetite and desire for a lifestyle and culture that’s aligned with You. Help me to leave the past in the past I pray Amen

Written by: Caleb L.