Text: Genesis 3:7 

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.” ‭‭

Observation: In Genesis, we see humanity’s origin in the Garden of Eden, marked by disobedience and separation from God. Adam & Eve were tempted, chose self-knowledge and independence over trust and obedience. In contrast, we see the birth of Jesus, signifying God’s initiative to restore what was lost. Jesus enters the world, not in a perfect garden like Eden, but in a humble stable amidst a messy and sinful world. The humble beginning essentially foreshadows his sacrifice.

Application: These contrasting beginnings highlight the ongoing tension between self-reliance and the faith we have in God. We are constantly tempted to take matters into our own hands like Adam and Eve. We seek knowledge and control outside God’s will. So, the story of Jesus reminds us that true redemption comes not from our own efforts, but from God’s gracious initiative. It’s such a great reminder to also give God glory for everything we feel accomplished in. 

Prayer: Lord, keep us humble, and humble us when necessary. Forgive us for our tendency to rebel and rely on our own strength. May we come to you with open hearts and be ready to be transformed by your love on this journey…it’s not easy. Amen 🙏🏾

Written By: Vernon S.