Text: Genesis 17:16-17 ~ God told Abram, “I will bless [Sarah] and give you a son …. Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed to himself in disbelief.” 

Observation: By the time God spoke these words to Abraham, he had been waiting nearly 25 years for the promised son (Isaac)! He was 99 years old; the promise was given when he was 75. Would you also not have chuckled with disbelief at that point thinking, “OK, God. Sure. I’ve heard this before. And still nothing 🤷🏽‍♀️”? But what I love is that Abraham laughed but kept his thoughts to himself. The scripture indicates he did not say them out loud. Had he done so, he may have cancelled the promised blessing! 

Application: It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been waiting for a promise, we can never afford to speak negative words over our situation or to express doubt and unbelief. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue!” (Proverbs 18:21) So if you want to be blessed, speak the Word of God over your life. Declare out loud the scriptures that are relevant to your situation. Never let frustration, fatigue, weariness or impatience cause you to speak negatively. If anything, hold those thoughts to yourself. Do not give life to them and allow that negativity to run its course in your life. 

Prayer: Father, regardless of our adversities, help us to always speak faith and blessings over our lives and the lives of others. We know that blessings and curses run their course according to the words we speak, whether they be words of agreement with what You’ve said or a declaration that brings us in covenant with the devil. I thank you in advance. Amen. 🙏🏽

Written by: Noel W.